Friday, December 7, 2007

Holy Geeze

Yes! We are back! We know its been a long time since we posted something, and we are sorry to have let down all three of our readers. From now on, we vow to try to remember to remind ourselves to attempt to post more pictures or words of inspiration on our blog. Well, we went to Osburn for Thanksgiving... good times. Also our kids got thier shots (emotionally scaring). And now our appartment looks like Christmas exploded and we used lights to cover up the mess, you know, the norm. Other than that, our life here has been about as exciting as it can get for being a young married couple with kids. But we are well aware that all two or three people who visit this site don't care to read about our exciting lives, not that it bores you, but because you actually cannot read... you selfish turds just want to see pictures, so here you go.